Have you made the switch to smokeless fuel yet? If you are considering whether you should make the change, here is a list of the benefits of using smokeless fuel and reasons why choosing to burn smokeless coal is an excellent choice:

  1. Smokeless Fuel offers exceptional performance

Smokeless fuel provides a consistently higher heat than house coal and can last up to 40% longer. As you need less coal to achieve your required heat, you’ll save on your money too.

  1. Smokeless Fuel has multiple uses

Unlike house coal, smokeless coal is suitable for a number of appliances such as open fires, multi-fuel stoves, heaters, cookers and much more.

  1. Smokeless Fuel Zones

You may live in an area where burning smoky coal is prohibited. There are a number of smoke control areas in the UK where it is against the law to use unauthorised fuels, but with smokeless fuels you will not have the restrictions if you live in a smoke controlled area.

  1. Technological Advancements

Developments in technology mean that smokeless fuels are now more efficient and what’s more, it’s constantly improving. During the manufacturing process, solid fuels are meticulously tested to lower their smoke levels. Smokeless fuel is the latest and greatest modern evolution in the solid fuel industry.

  1. You enjoy a traditional fire

If you enjoy a traditional fire as the heart of your home, you will appreciate the fact that the use of smokeless coal means that it contains less volatile materials and therefore, does not give off any thick smoke when burned. As smokeless fuels contain high carbon content, there will also be less ash remaining after you have used your fire, which means less emptying of the grate!

  1. Cost effectiveness

Smokeless fuel is also more cost effective than your normal house coal. They burn hotter for longer, meaning you need to refuel your appliance less often. Burning smokeless fuels means that you spend less time re-fuelling your fire, and less money re-stocking your supply.

  1. Smokeless fuel is environmentally friendly

Last but not least, as smokeless coals produce less smoke when combusted, they also cause less localised air pollution. Smokeless fuels are gentle on the environment, without compromising their performance.

For further information on how we can help you make the change to smokeless fuel and smokeless coal, contact Pearson Fuels today.