Now that our wood burning stove is going to be seeing very little action with the warmer weather taking care of our home’s temperature for us, and we all have plenty of time on our hands due to the COVID-19 lockdown, it’s a good time to give our stove a little maintenance.


From removing rusty spots and touching up the paintwork to replacing new parts and general maintenance jobs, here are some top tips for ways to make sure your home stove is in the best shape it can be when winter rolls around once again.


  1. Rusty spots


If you notice few rust spots on your stove the best way to remove them is to use a pad of medium grade steel wool. Always make sure you wear protective gloves to protect your hands from the wool, scrub your stove’s rusty areas until it vanishes. Use a dustpan and brush to sweep away the dislodged debris and dust that will accumulate.


  1. Windows


Over time the windows on your stove will become sooty and difficult to see through. The build up of soot can also prevent the fire from burning efficiently so its time to remove it. Give the windows a good wipe with stove glass cleaner and leave to soak for up to five minutes before removing with a damp rag. If you don’t have stove glass cleaner you can switch in wood ash on a damp rag; use this to rub away the soot before wiping clean with a wet cloth.


  1. The rope seal


The rope seal around the stove door is essential for burning fuel efficiently and preventing fumes form entering the home. Over time this rope can flatten due to wear so should be checked to see whether it has lost its shape. A good way of testing your rope seal is to light a small fire, close the doors and air intake and run a candle around the edge of the door. If the flame is drawn towards the seal then the rope will need replacing.


Now is a good time to stock up on smokeless coals in preparation for the end of summer. Many people put of buying heir fuel until the last minute which means they often end up without fuel when the nights start drawing in.