With October nearly at an end, this means that we’re soon going to be busy wrapping ourselves up against the bite of the cold weather, as the rains turn icy and the winds become stronger across the UK. This change in the elements also means that it’s time to light up the old fireplaces or stoves to get some heat in your home, as we enter the time of year where we all just want to cosy up by the fire.

The best part is that using a fireplace doesn’t necessarily need to have detrimental effects on your health or the environment, as the use of smokeless fuel comes with a range of benefits that mean you won’t have much to worry about this winter. We’re here at Pearson Fuels to run you through some of the main benefits of using smokeless fuel, so that you know why you should be using it as the weather gets colder.

  1. The Environment

As previously mentioned, smokeless coal is more beneficial to the environment, as their smoke emissions are significantly lower than those produced by traditional coal. This means that you’ll be able to cosy up by the fire without having to worry on how you’re affecting the environment, as using smokeless coal is nowhere near as harmful.


  1. Clean

Smokeless coal is clean in two senses of the word. Firstly, smokeless coal provides a cleaner looking fire due to its lack of dirty emissions, meaning that it’s an absolute must if you want your fireplace looking fantastic this winter. Secondly, smokeless coal is also clean in the traditional sense, as it leaves behind minimal residue and therefore requires you to spend less time cleaning it.


  1. Cost

Some people will look at the upfront cost of smokeless coal and immediately decide that it isn’t worth the extra money. This will lead to them purchasing some traditional coal, which simply does not last as long and therefore needs to be replaced more frequently. In the long run, smokeless coal provides you with a great saving, as its longer life means that you won’t have to purchase more as often.

Here at Pearson Fuels, we are a leading coal merchants that provide a range of high quality smokeless coal. If you require any further information on the services that we provide, then please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated team.