If you want to heat your home effectively and save money whilst doing it, then you want your stove to run as economically as possible. It doesn’t matter if you have a brand spanking new or a ruffled old home stove, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re getting the most from your fuel.

Dry Wood

It may seem obvious, but this is the most fundamental thing to get right when burning wood. There is a reason we recommend burning properly dried wood; because green wood contains around 50% water. That means for every kg of green wood you burn, you are effectively adding 500ml of water. Not only will you lose a lot of heat energy boiling this water away, rather than heating your home, it is incredibly hard to light in the first place.

How To Properly Dry Wood

  • You can find green wood and dry it yourself, but bear in mind, this may be the cheapest option, but it will also take a long time. Logs will need a minimum of one summer drying somewhere sheltered, preferably two.
  • Good suppliers are in good supply today. Check online for your local wood and coal merchant. The logs they supply are certified, kiln or air dried and are ready to burn straight away.
  • Kiln dried logs or briquettes can also be bought from garages and supermarkets.

Air Management

Air is the invisible ingredient that is key to a good fire. Primary air feeds the bed of the fire whilst secondary air feeds the flames above it. Nearly all the energy from wood comes from burning gases released when it is heated.

Never completely close the secondary air vent on your stove as it’s the easiest way to create soot and tar and completely coat the glass front with gunk. Always keep the stove door closed as having it open will cripple your stoves efficiency and allow all the warm air to escape up the chimney.