The period of time when predominantly rural areas of Europe and America became increasingly industrial is known as the industrial revolution and it took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time of change, the reliance on a particular fossil fuel known as coal increased considerably and our usage soared beyond predicted figures. In fact, over 30% of global power in the 21st century still comes from coal power plants. Read on we go over of a few areas of interest of the industrial revolution that made coal so important…

Increase of Demand

Since the industrial revolution focuses on towns changing from a rural to an urban way of living, an increase in population meant that many homeowners had to find alternative ways to heat their home because forests were located too far away. This lead to an increase in the demand for coal and eventually, the price became much more affordable than the price of firewood and charcoal. In addition to this, demand also increased on an industrial scale too as coal powered gas lamps in many towns and cities in the 19th century meant that the fossil fuel had to be mined on a quantity focused basis.

Coal Powered Transport

Before the development of the steam train, the movement and transportation of coal relied on horse drawn carriages and cargo ships which was time consuming and expensive. In addition to this, the roads that were used were also of very poor quality which meant that goods often had to be abandoned. In an attempt to kill two birds with one stone, a man named Richard Trevithick built the first steam engine in 1801. It was powered by coal that was considered too poor in quality to sell which allowed the sellable fuel to be transported in a fast and cost-effective format.

Boosting the Economy

Before the industrial revolution, coal was a fuel for the wealthy and it was considered an expensive luxury which meant that many businesses would get by using more affordable alternatives instead. This changed when the demand for the fuel increased, subsequently lowering the price, and boosted the economy in a variety of different ways. For example, the iron and steel industries could now afford to smelt their product using coal power which meant that businesses made higher profits. In addition to this, coal mining also became a competitive industry and managed to provide stable employment for the working class.

Here at Pearson Fuels, we believe that coal has played a fundamental role in the development of Britain as a whole. After all, it has improved our economy by creating thousands of jobs and even paved the way for advancements in technology like never before. When it comes to the abundance of house fuels like bituminous coal, we like to encourage our clients to recognise the rich history of our industry. To find out more information about the fuels we store, get in contact with the best coal merchants around and speak to a member of the Pearson Fuels team today!