As one of the most dangerous gases around, it is important that every fireplace user and stove owner is aware of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning. After all, it is deadly and extremely difficult to detect. When it comes to awareness, statistics show that 10% of people do not have a carbon monoxide detector in their home. Here at Pearson Fuels, we recognise how dangerous this gas is which is why we are going to go over everything you need to know to stay safe…

An Invisible Hazard

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous gas because it is difficult to detect. In fact, it is known as an invisible hazard because it does not have an odour, colour or taste. This means that you could breathe it in for days before you start to show symptoms, giving it all the time it needs to cause serious damage to your body. When you breathe in CO, it displaces the oxygen in your blood in order to create carboxyhaemoglobin and this deprives vital organs like the heart and brain of the oxygen it needs to function. Luckily, CO poisoning can be reversed when it is caught in time.


As carbon monoxide is difficult to detect, it is important that you recognise the symptoms that occur with CO poisoning such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, collapsing or loss of consciousness. With this said, these symptoms are very similar to the flu and viral infections, so it is not uncommon for people to mistake carbon monoxide poisoning for a seasonal illness. As a result, you should pay attention to your symptoms; if they seem to disappear when you leave the house, it is more likely to be CO poisoning rather than a viral infection.

Chimney Maintenance

Carbon monoxide can be caused by many household appliances such as boilers, central heating systems and open fires/stoves that use fuels like gas, oil, coal and firewood. For homeowners that use the chimney, it is very important to ensure that you have a high-quality ventilation system in place in order to remove the toxic gases from your home. In fact, you should also ensure that you pay close attention to maintenance too as blocked flues and chimneys can stop CO leaving the home.

Carbon monoxide is created as a result of the incomplete combustion of carbon when fuels like coal and wood are burned in the home. That is why it is incredibly important to ensure that you have a high-quality ventilation system in place. Luckily, a functioning carbon monoxide detector can be a life saver. To ensure that you burn your fuel safely, you should always be wary of carbon monoxide and put the appropriate safety measures in place in order to prevent it. To find out more information, get in contact with the best coal merchants around and speak to the Pearson Fuels team today!